Request Help Seattle

Thank you for considering One Brick for your organization's volunteer needs. Please take a few minutes to better understand the requirements for One Brick projects before filling out the event request form below.

General Guidelines

  • We typically work 2-4 hour shifts. If your event is longer than this, do consider breaking out the volunteer responsibilities into shifts. One Brick can then take responsibility for bringing volunteers to one of the shifts. (Rarely will we be able to arrange to cover multiple shifts.)
  • While we are there to volunteer, we do try to incorporate a social element, enabling volunteers to chat with one another while working together. Activities that are conducive to this are preferred.
  • One Brick will provide an event manager at every event to help mobilize the volunteers and keep things running smoothly. A representative from your organization must be present at all times as well.


  • One Brick requires a minimum of 6-8 weeks notice to consider requests for volunteer support. We are sometimes able to accommodate requests with less lead time if we do not have any conflicting events during the time you need and we can secure an Event Manager and Coordinator to oversee your event.
  • As One Brick is completely volunteer-run, we limit our events to weeknights and weekends.
  • Please also understand it may sometimes take a few days to respond to your request, as we pass information across our team to determine if we will be able to coordinate coverage for your event.

Setting Up an Event

If this is the first time your organization will work with One Brick, please fill out this event request form

If your organization has already worked with us before, please fill out this "New Event With Existing One Brick Partnership" form.

If you have any general questions, please email us at sea-events at